Friday, November 12, 2010

Broga Hill - 11:11:10

Bukit Broga, or Broga Hill, is located near Semenyih, about 40 minutes away from Kuala Lumpur. Its real name is BukBukit Broga, or Broga Hill, is located near Semenyih, about 40 minutes away from Kuala Lumpur. Its real name is Bukit Lalang, refering to the thin and long species of local grass that grows abundantly on this hill. It can be reached a short distance after the University of Nottingham, where the entrance trail starts from an oil palm estate facing a rabbit park across the road. Its easy accessibility means that there are many visitors on the Lalang, refering to the thin and long species of local grass that grows abundantly on this hill. It can be reached a short distance after the University of Nottingham, where the entrance trail starts from an oil palm estate facing a rabbit park across the road. Its easy accessibility means that there are many visitors on the weekend.

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